
Simon and Fiona: Dr Chalk and Dr Cheese (Shorter version, 2010.)

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Where are you on the S-F spectrum? Simply tick next to the statement which most closely describes you as a GP.
Tick those that apply to you in the S column, then enter the number of ticks after TOTAL = S. Do the same for the F column.
Your final score is expressed in the format: S(number of ticks)/F(number of ticks)

S - Dr Simon Chalk F - Dr Fiona Cheese
Medicine is more a science than an art

Regards patients as clinical problems

Respected for being well organised and skilful use of evidence
Medicine is more an art than a science

Regards patients as needy people

Respected for being interested and skilful listening
GPs should not address patients' non-clinical needs

Does not run late

Generally seems on top of the task
GPs should help with anything affecting patients' health

Often runs late

Often seems overloaded
Scores low on burnout scales

Does not experience work as stressful

Complaints taken as part of the job
May score high on burnout scales

Experiences work as stressful

Complaints taken personally
Minimally engaged with peer appraisal

Comfortable with medical hierarchies

Does not dwell on matters that seem insoluble
Welcomes and values peer appraisal

Uncomfortable when dealing w/colleagues

Takes on problems others see as insoluble
Happy to run General Practice as a business

Strives for high earnings

Finds lectures ideal for CPD
Happy to leave running the business to others

Indifferent to high earnings

Enjoys group-based education
Seen as intolerant by some Seen as a soft touch by some
Sought out by patients who value clarity Sought out by patients who value support

Total up your scores for Chalk & Cheese. Use the two scores to identify your place on the Chalk-Cheese spectrum.

© CPDForum Ltd from an original idea by Dr Harry Yoxall.

  • Funding
  • Gloucestershire LMC Logo
  • Gloucestershire GPSH is funded by Gloucestershire LMC.
  • GPSH was originally commissioned
    by the Clinician Support Service
    and its contents are strictly copyright.
  • Credits
  • Project Director and original idea: Roger Crabtree
  • Research and Text: Lynn Collins
  • Website Design: Andreas Wichter and Anne Hicks
  • Website Construction and Maintenance: Careers Systems
  • Original Painting: Judith Milne